3 STUDENTS Online Asbestos Awareness Training BC
Our Online Asbestos Awareness training course is in full compliance with the BC Occupational Health and Safety Regulations & Workers Compensation Act.
Asbestos is a group of naturally occurring minerals used in many products because it adds strength, heat resistance, and chemical resistance. Asbestos is a hazardous material. If employers and workers do not take proper precautions for work around asbestos, workers may develop serious chronic health problems or even die of an asbestos-related disease. Our course has been designed for construction managers, building managers, engineers, maintenance workers, caretakers and other tradesmen that may come in contact with asbestos during their daily activities.
Our online asbestos awareness training course offers an explanation of the hazards and health effects of asbestos exposures and identification of common types of products that contain asbestos. This course is designed for workers, managers and supervisors in work places where asbestos containing materials may be encountered or disturbed during the course of daily work activities.
To place your order please click on the BUY NOW button and ensure you select the correct quantity of participants. Once you have successfully made your purchase - all study material and exams will be automatically forwarded to your provided email address. Download the study material and forward the downloads to the other students (if required). Complete the final exam and forward all the exam(s) pages to the email provided to you - by PDF scan document or by taking pictures of each exam page (information will be provided on the final exam copies). The exam is mostly multiple choice but does have some written component sections. Your exam(s) will then be marked by one of our consultants and your signed certificate of completion will be forwarded to you by email within 1 to 2 business days. We will match the incoming number of exams to your order total.
Certificate of completion is valid for 2 years. A mark of 80% must be achieved in order to receive a certificate of completion. Participants are able to repeat the course three times in efforts to achieve the pass mark.
Section 1
- WorkSafeBC Regulations
- Who is is considered a Qualified Person?
- Employer, Supervisor and Employee Responsibilities
- What is Asbestos
- Mineralogy of Asbestos
- What is Chrysotile?
- What is Amosite?
- What is Crocidolite?
- What is Vermiculite?
- Health effects
- Lung Cancer, Mesothelioma, Gastrointestinal Cancers, Asbestosis
Section 2
- How workers are exposed
- Routes of Entry
- Smoking and Asbestos Disease
- Latency Period
- Hazards to the immediate family
- Use of Asbestos in Buildings
- Where can Asbestos be found in buildings?
- Laundering Contaminated Clothing
- Disposal of Asbestos Waste
- Medical Monitoring
Section 3
- Worksafebc Notice of Project NOP
- NOP for ongoing asbestos work
- Exposure Control Plans
- Hazard Rating Criteria
- Low Risk Activity
- High Risk Activity
- Air Monitoring
- Bulk Sampling Procedures
- Respiratory Protection
- Fit Testing Procedures
- Other Personal Protective Equipment